Wednesday, July 6, 2016 - 11:00am to 1:00pm
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
3260 South Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

11:00 am - noon:
Vaughnda Hilton, Founder and Director of the Native Nations Dance Theater, invites guests to “keep the Native Spirit alive” in a celebration of Native American culture in the World Wonders: Native Spirit program. Children can watch performers in traditional regalia demonstrate Round and Snake dances, and learn drumming rhythms and songs from different nations, including Ms. Hilton’s Blackfeet, Seminole, and Creek heritage.
This program complements the Storytime Expeditions program on the same day.
12:15 - 1:00 pm.
Featured Book: The First Strawberries. Discover this Cherokee legend that tells the story of the first man and woman. It describes how their first quarrel leads to the creation of the first berries, and reveals an important truth about forgiveness. Learn simple Cherokee greetings too.
Both programs are free with General Admission.
For more information, see: Penn Museum Storytime Expeditions