Saturday, March 30, 2019 - 10:00am to 5:15pm
Classroom 2
Penn Museum
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

Penn Cultural Heritage Center Annual Meeting on
Community Archaeology and Heritage: Conceptualizing Community
with Keynote Speaker Dr. Stephen Silliman, University of Massachusetts, Boston
One of the major challenges in Community Archaeology and Heritage is defining and prioritizing stakeholder participation; in essence, who and what counts as community? Is community archaeology the same as public archaeology? Is engaged research the same as collaborative? Please join us for a day of papers and discussion at the Penn Museum.
10:00-10:30 am Opening remarks - Richard Leventhal, Penn Cultural Heritage Center
Session 1: Museums and Communities
10:30-10:45 am
Unvisited Museums, Toponyms, and the Ethics of Community Archaeology
Aliosha Bielenberg and Kelley Tackett, Brown University
10:45-11:00 am
Cultural Dissonance and Dark Heritage Solutions
Victoria Parker, University of Montana
11:00-11:15 am
How Communities are Inscribed in the Materiality of Washoe Basketry
Francisco Diaz, University of Pennsylvania
11:15-11:30 Q&A – Discussant Chris Green, University of Pennsylvania
Coffee and Tea Break
Session 2: Identities and Communities
11:45 am-12:00 pm
Archaeology and the Political Community
Rui Gomes Coelho, Rutgers University
12:00-12:15 pm
Challenging Communities: Community Archaeology as Social Justice
V. Camille Westmont, University of Maryland
12:15-12:30 pm
The Importance of the Local in Lower Mississippi Valley Community Archaeology
Megan Kassabaum and Arielle Pierson, University of Pennsylvania
12:30-12:45 pm
Competing Visions of ‘Kazakhness’: Community Self-Discovery through the World of Traditional Craftwork
Ad Lane, University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill
12:45-1:00 pm Q&A – Discussant Robbie Vigar, University of Pennsylvania
Keynote speech
1:45-2:30 pm
Stephen Silliman, Professor of Archaeology, University of Massachusetts Boston
2:30-2:45 pm Q&A
Session 3: Archaeological Praxis
3:00-3:15 pm
Community Archaeology in Practice: The Field School Experience in Athienou, Cyprus
Helena Arose and Julia Wareham, Athienou Archaeological Project
3:15-3:30 pm
Complicating Communities in French Guiana: Introducing Archéo La Caroline
Elizabeth Clay, University of Pennsylvania
1:30-3:45 pm
Identifying Community in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Petén, Guatemala
Kirsty Escalante, Tulane University
3:45-4:00 pm Q&A - Discussant Doug Smit, University of Pennsylvania
Coffee and Tea Break
4:15-5:15 pm
Roundtable Discussion – Moderator (TBD)
Free to attend, register here!
Penn Cultural Heritage Center
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
phone: 215-746-4475