Thursday, October 28, 2021 - 2:00pm
Virtual presentation.
Register here for this on-line remote event.
Linda Tuhiwai Smith (Māori) will kick off the new Oxford-Penn-Toronto international doctoral cluster in the environmental humanities with a talk, "Decolonizing the Way We Know the World, Ourselves, and Other Entities." Join us for a talk that draws on Māori and Indigenous ideas about the “not so special human being” and ways to live in relation to other entities, and talk about decolonising the ways in which the West has come to see, define and know the world.
Linda Tuhiwai Smith is currently a Distinguished Professor at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi. She is a researcher, mentor, supervisor, writer and educator. Linda is renowned for her work in Indigenous Māori education, Decolonising Methodologies and Kaupapa Māori. Linda has been part of the movement that established Māori schools known as Kura Kaupapa Māori and tribal institutions known as Wānanga. She has held a number of Professorial positions at both the University of Waikato and the University of Auckland. She is a member of the Waitangi Tribunal. Linda has been recognised for her work as a leading Maori scholar and educationalist. She is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association, a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, received the Prime Ministers Lifetime Achievement Award for Education and awarded a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit. She was recently elected as an Honorary International Member of the American Academy if Arts and Sciences. Linda is known for her ground breaking book Decolonising Methodologies Research and Indigenous Peoples first published in 1998 and the third edition was published in 2021.
For more information, see the Penn Program in Environmental Humanities event announcement.
Register here for this on-line remote event.
This lecture kicks off a four-part OPT IDC speaker series. See our next event with Dr. Kim Ruffin presenting "Teaching and Knowing an Anti-Racist Nature."
More information about the event, the registration link, and a downloadable poster are available at the PPEH website where there are also links to brief materials about the purpose and goals of the doctoral cluster, still at an early stage. Read more about this partnership, visit our Field Notes blog!